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Lack of idioms

Lack of vocabulary
很多Grammar mistake! 

我会这么写:(address 自己写)

Hi John, how are you? Hope you are in the pink. (idiom) I am writing this email because you borrowed my dictionary last month. However, I need my dictionary back. This is because year-end exam is coming, and I need to improve my grade. I can make sure that I use my vocabularies widely by checking the dictionary. I hope that you can return it tomorrow. See you soon. Bye!



用户: (18,980 分) 14 25 41
*I need to take back my dictionary.
*It is because year-end exam is coming so I need to improve my grade at this time.
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用户: (53,200 分) 52 158 162



How are you? I hope you are as fit as a fiddle. I’m writing this email to remind you to return back my dictionary. I’m going to need it so that I can pass my grades with flying colours and make sure I use the vocabularies correctly. You can write an email and meet me to return my dictionary. See you soon. Bye.
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