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  Dugongs are large grey mammals which spend its entire lives in the sea.They breathe air through lungs and have live babies not eggs like fish.Dugongs swim by moving their broad spade-like tail in an up and down motion,and by using their flippers.            

  The dugong may reach 3 metres in length and weigh almost 500 kilograms.They are covered with a thick layer of fat giving them a distinctively round look.They have small flippers and a powerful tail.The brown skin of a dugong appears smooth,but it is actually covered with short,thick hair.Dugongs surface only to breathe and never come on land.

  Female dugongs give birth underwater to a single calf every three to seven years.Birth takes place in shallow water and the baby dugongs is able to swim to the surface of the water to take its first breath.The calf stays with its mothers milk and following close by until 18 to 24 months of age.

1.为什么要放past tense?


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用户: (2,010 分) 24 35 37
对了不是past tense 是past participle
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因为 past participle关系,所以are 后面要加ed。跟过去词无关
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用户: (2,010 分) 24 35 37
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past participle
nounpast participleplural nounpast participles
  1. the form of a verb, typically ending in -ed in English, which is used in forming perfect and passive tenses and sometimes as an adjective, e.g. looked in have you looked?lost in lost property.
用户: (2,010 分) 24 35 37
用户: (2,010 分) 24 35 37
用户: (2,010 分) 24 35 37
用户: (2,010 分) 24 35 37
the hk
用户: (670 分) 4 10 23
用户: (2,010 分) 24 35 37
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