+1 投票
682 浏览
分类:华小英文 | 用户: (820 分) 5 6 6
已关闭 用户:
A. Doctor Tan gave me some pills, painkillers and ointment for my wound.
B. Doctor tan gave me some pills, painkillers and ointment for my wound.
C. Doctor Tan gave me some pills painkillers and ointment for my wound.
D. doctor Tan gave me some pills, painkillers and ointment for my wound.
用户: (2,900 分) 54 58 67
用户: (820 分) 5 6 6
用户: (820 分) 5 6 6


0 投票
用户: (34,530 分) 24 32 34
采纳于 用户:

A. Doctor Tan gave me some pills, painkillers and ointment for my wound.

B. Doctor tan gave me some pills, painkillers and ointment for my wound.(人名要放大写)

C. Doctor Tan gave me some pills  painkillers and ointment for my wound. (没有放逗号)

D. doctor Tan gave me some pills, painkillers and ointment for my wound.(第一个字要放大写)


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