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Zapin, Malaysia

Zapin Performance (Source)

Zapin is a Malay dance popular in the Malaysian states of Johor, Pahang and Selangor. The Middle Eastern Arab traders introduced this dance of Malaysia in the 14th century.

General Tradition
This dance form is an enchanting concoction of Islamic teachings with elegant body movements. That is why Zapin was only performed by men earlier. Later it was performed in pairs with ladies.

The Musical Element
Zapin can be performed with considerable variation depending on different styles and dance steps. Zapin is done to the tunes of Rebana (drum), Dok, Marwas (bongos), Rebab, Gambus and accordion.

2.Mak Yong

Mak Yong, Malaysia

Graceful Mak Yong performers in colourful outfits (Source)

Mak Yong is a gem of a Malay dance that incorporates both dance and drama. Popular in the Kelantan state of Malaysia, Mak Yong was conferred with the title of Masterpiece of the Oral and Intangible Heritage of Humanity by UNESCO in the year 2005.

General Tradition
The drama commences with the introduction of the characters. The performers remain seated in reclining or sitting position throughout in a circle. The element of dance is seen within the circle when the scene changes. The dance steps of the ladies are soft and elegant that reflect Indian culture whereas men bring in liveliness and exuberance to the dance.

The Musical Element
Mak Yong is a splendid dance form that weaves dance, music, acting, singing and storytelling together. The performance starts with paying respect to the musical instruments. 

3.Dikir Barat

Dikir Barat


Dikir Barat is a fine blend of Malay music, dance and poetry. It is usually performed during the harvest season and on family functions. Dikir Barat is a medium to educate the audiences, discuss crucial issues and pass social commentary in a comic or satirical tone. This dance form is said to have originated from Malay villages in Southern Thailand. In native language, Barat means “West” and Dikir is linked to Zikir, which means “religious singing and chanting.” Dikir Barat is very popular in Kelantan. In May 1998, the Kelantan Government banned this dance form. However, this was for a short while, and the ban was lifted in no time.

General Tradition
Dikir Barat has four components - Tok Juara (leader), Tukang Karut (song initiator), a chorus of members (awok awok) and a percussion ensemble with music similar to Indonesian folk style. This dance of Malaysia is renowned as the battle of wits as it involves a spontaneous continuous flow of rhythmic verses to mock and criticize the opponent. Tok Juara sets the theme for the performance and binds the group together. He or she discusses contemporary and social issues. The leader needs to be charismatic and quick-witted to rebuttal. Tukang Karut initiates the responses and challenges the competing groups. 

The Musical Element
Awok Awok is the cluster of people who second their leader by singing - accompanied by synchronized hand movements. Awok awok remain seated cross-legged throughout and make rhythmic movements with arms, hands and upper torso. 

这三个是我最肯定是malay dances了,所以就只写这三个

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#1 Mak Yong

Also known as a dance drama, the Mak Yong is a mixture of dance, comedy, and opera.

Also known as a dance drama, the Mak Yong is a mixture of dance, comedy, and opera.

Some believe that this dance form has been here since well before the Islamisation of Malaysia. Originating from Kelantan, this unique dance was typically performed in a royal theatre under the direct patronage of the Kelantan Sultanate until the 1920s.

It’s not called dancing if it’s not accompanied by good music. The musical instruments used in Mak Yong are the spiked lute, gong, kesi (finger cymbals), drum, and flute. The music and melody fit perfectly with the dance while revealing a drama of its own. Besides being intended for entertainment, this dance is also regarded as a healing process when the ritual is performed. Since the Mak Yong dance is believed to have a mystical element, the conservative state government of Kelantan banned performances of the Mak Yong in 1998.

#2 Kuda Kepang

This dance is called the Kuda Kepang because its performance features mock horses made from rattan.

This dance is called the Kuda Kepang because its performance features mock horses made from rattan.

When Javanese immigrants first arrived in Johor, they brought the Kuda Kepang with them – adding yet another dimension of regional influence to Malaysia's multifaceted culture. Despite being a traditional dance form, the Kuda Kepang is still widely known and popular in Johor. The Kuda Kepang is believed to involve spirit possession, and it is common to find dancers entering a trance during the activity. During the show, the audience can see dancers perform unbelievable physical feats without getting hurt.

The dancers, usually a troupe consisting of 9 people, are called ‘pemain’ or ‘players’. These players are dressed in traditional Javanese attire while telling a story through their body movements. While they’re dancing, they’ll be accompanied by music mainly produced with an angklung (bamboo handbells), gendang (two-headed drum), jidur (tom drums), and other traditional instruments.

#3 Zapin

The Zapin is the most popular Malay dance form in Malaysia, especially in Selangor, Johor, and Pahang.

The Zapin is the most popular Malay dance form in Malaysia, especially in Selangor, Johor, and Pahang.

Before the age of gender equality, the Zapin used to be only performed by male dancers, but we can now see women performing this kind of dance. Some believe that this dance was introduced by Persian and Arab missionaries arriving in Malaysia during the fifteenth century.

The music for a performance of the Zapin is made from a mixture of traditional and contemporary instruments such as the gambus(short-necked lute), marwas (double-sided hand drum), and the violin. The style of dance for the Zapin varies from state to state. In Zapin, you can play with each other, tease, challenge, or simply enjoy each other’s company. Usually, this dance is performed in pairs – so grab a partner and let’s dance!

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