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The annual sports day is coming. Everybody is happy about it, I also not exception.

At that day, the athletes walk around the field three times with music. The principal and some people giving a speech and the sports meeting formal begin.

My classmate, Ahmad have take part 100 metre race. He ran very fast just like a lightning and he broke the record. At last ,he get his gold metal and some athletics also get their award.

Everybody clapped their hand loudly and the sports day finished perfectly.


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The annual school sports day is coming. Everybody is happy about it, I also not exception.

At that day  (On that day)​​​​​​, school athletes walk around the field three times with enthusiasm music. The principal and some teachers are giving a speech and the sports meeting formal begin.

My classmate, Ahmad have been take part 100 metre race. He run very fast just like a lightning and he broke the ​​​​​​highest record in our school. Last ,he get his gold metal and some athletics also get other awards.

Everybody clap their hand loudly and the sports day finish perfectly.


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