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分类:中学其它科目 | 用户: (2,010 分) 26 35 37
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A glass container has a square cross-section with an internal length of 6cm and a height of 10 cm. It is filled with 7cm high of water. Calculate the volume of the water.

When a stone is put into the container, the water level rises to 9cm. What is the volume of the stone?

3 个回答

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以上是我的算式谢谢~(人 •͈ᴗ•͈)♡☆

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用户: (36,290 分) 30 127 130
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1. 6 cm x 7 cm x 6 cm = 252 cm3

2. 6 cm x 2 cm x 6cm = 72 cm3

用户: (2,010 分) 26 35 37
erm i need volume
of the stone
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用户: (42,260 分) 2 3 6

Volume of water in the container before stone is put inside = 6x6x7 = 252cm3

Volume after stone is put into container (water level rises to 9cm) = 6x6x9 = 324cm3

Volume of the stone = 324 - 252 = 72cm3

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