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分类:中学其它科目 | 用户: (28,100 分) 31 208 218
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Hi there!

I'd like to participate in an exciting outdoor sport this long school holiday. I know that you've participates in many sports so i need your advice. What should i do - join a leisure centre, start exercising to make sure i'm fit or do some research about the sport? I'm confused. Please write soon and let me know!

In about 80 words, write an email to Zahirah giving your suggestios


用户: (28,100 分) 31 208 218


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Hi Zahirah,

I'm glad you were able to participate in this exciting outdoor sport activity. I think you can start by joining a leisure centre so that you'll become as fit as a fiddle. 

      Also, during your free time, you can play some outdoor sports such as basketball, badminton, squash, etc. These outdoor sports will improve your physical health. I think the outdoor activity that suits you best is jogging. This outdoor activity will not only make you slim, you can also fill up your time with beneficial activity. 

     Hope to see you there. Bye. 

Your friend,


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