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They might get there in time if they             (run/ran).

Which one is correct?Please explain to me.TQ:)

*If "might" is changed to "may",will the answer be different?Is the sentence considered as the first conditional or the second conditional?Isn't "might" the past tense of "may"?

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They might get there in time if they (run)

这是因为“ran”是past tense,这里说的是他们应该可以到达那里如果他们奔跑,因此用原词“run”

而如果"might"换成了"may",也是用回“run”,因为这个句子中没有用到past tense,而与刚才我所说的,“ran”是past tense,因此两个句子都是用“run”.
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They might get there in time if they run.

这个应该是future tense,所以应该不可以用past tense。



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 enlightened 我觉得是  run  , 因为如果用 ran 的话 ,就是已经发生过的事情了 ,但这个句子


heart  希望我的回答能帮助到你哦 !!!

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用户: (-1,860 分) 37 40 40
run,除非那个if是while或when,才要放past tense
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