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My father loves music and spends his free time playing the cello.He is a scientist in the field of astronomy and focuses on the stars and planets and how they came to exist.He is also cooks very well and many people think he is a chef in a restaurant.

1.The writer's father works as a 

A chef 

B scientist

C musician

The Giant Panda found in the wild only in China,is one of the most endangered animals in the world.It is estimated that there are fewer than 1,600 giant pandas today,primarily due to poaching.The secondary factors are deforestation and the low rate of reproduction among these animals.

2.From the text,Giant Pandas are endangered mainly 

A because of poaching 

B because of the low rate of reproduction

C because they are found in the wild only in China



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2.A because "It is estimated that there are fewer than 1,600 giant pandas today,primarily due to poaching."

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1 B你的答案对了

2 A
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