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Read the text below and correct the underlined errors. For each question, write the correct word in the space provided.

          Treasure Hunts

Participating in a treasure hunt needs observation (0) or skill. After the treasure is hidden. the hunters are given clues that will help (1) us find the treasure. In a simple treasure hunt, the hunters only need to (2) finding the treasure as quickly as possible. The hunter who finds the treasure first (3) was the winner. In a more complex treasure hunt, the clues carry points. The more difficult clues will carry more points than the (4) easy ones. The clues are written in such a way that some skill is (5) need to understand them. The hunter (6) whom locates the treasure first is not necessarily the winner. Usually, the winner must (7) achieves the highest points from the clues Clues that carry points may be questions that require the hunters to answer (8) correct or they may be items that need to be collected and handed in with the treasure.


0 and
1 we
3 is

2 个回答

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1. Them 指他们 ( us - 我们)
2. find 寻找 (to 的后面只能使用原本的字 * eating -> eat )
3. is ( was 是 past tense)
4. easier ( 更简单的那一个)
5. needed (重点:writen)
6. who 谁 ( whom 问接受动作的人)
7. achieve
8. correctly 对的

* 记得,以后有类似的题目,例如 achieves 是错误的,很大概率是 不需要 's,或者是要变成 ing,前提是前面要有 am,are,等等。


用户: (830 分) 4 10 23
用户: (19,040 分) 16 25 41
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用户: (42,260 分) 2 3 6
0. and

1. them

2. find

3. is

4. easier

5. needed

6. who

7. achieve

8. correctly
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