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+1 投票
用户: (53,240 分) 35 158 162
采纳于 用户:
hit by a falling object such as a loose piece of playground equipment
用户: (52,950 分) 224 697 702
用户: (53,240 分) 35 158 162
+1 投票
用户: (36,180 分) 17 126 129

We know that the most common cause of playground injuries are falls from equipment (for example, climbers, monkey bars, slides). However, injury also results when children are struck by moving objects (for example, swings) or strangle either through head entrapment or as the result of clothing caught in equipment.


用户: (34,870 分) 12 34 37
他就是写了一个 fall from equipment,另一个就不知道要写什么了。
用户: (52,950 分) 224 697 702
对的,谢谢@Tan Xuan Yuan的解释
用户: (36,180 分) 17 126 129
噢对不起哦@Wong Yee Thong
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