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1.有什么Past participate和past tense是不一样的


2.past participate和prefect tense是不是一样的,只是prefect tense前面要加一个has 罢了

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用户: (23,590 分) 46 54 59
我还发现你的 past participate 应该是 past participle。Participate 的意思是参加哟!在回答的时候就感觉怪怪的,还一度怀疑过我自己。
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是PERFECT TENSE不是PREFECT TENSE哦,可以多看几次 记这些单词。你很像有错别字的问题,要多加注意哦。
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1. You can see the usage of simple past tense and past participle

Simple past tense 

In other words, we use the past tense to talk about something that happened in the past.

Let me explain this with the help of the first question from the introduction: “What did you eat for breakfast yesterday?”

The word “yesterday” tells us that the event (eating breakfast) happened already (yesterday). Therefore, your answer should be in the past tense.

For example, your answers could be:

  • I ate a chicken sandwich for breakfast yesterday.
  • I had eaten buttered toast and scrambled eggs by 10 AM yesterday…and I was still hungry!

The verb “to eat” has been conjugated (changed) to “ate” or “had eaten,” which tells us the sentence is in the past tense.

Past participle

This means that verbs in the past participle form usually end in the letters “ed.” For example, the word “talked.”

These words can also be used as adjectives. For example, “the book has already been talked about.” Here, the word “talked” is used as an adjective.

The definition also tells us that the past participle is most often used when forming the perfect forms of tenses. (Past perfect, for example.)

In the perfect form, we use the words “have” and “had” followed by the verb conjugated in the past tense.

For example:

  • I had lived in the United States for seven years before coming back home.
  • I have listened to this song five times now.

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2. You can see the perfect tense use at what type of sentence.

Simple past tense is used for an action that started and finished in the past. There's often at a specific time point we know when the action started and the actions finished.

With the perfect tense though, we don't know when the action started and when the action finished so we use it to talk about like the life experience in the past, like when it happened is not so important but we used it for a travel experience or job experience so that one thing that we do for perfect. 

The more accurate explanation: We might not know when the action started or finished, or it's not important. We want to communicate a life experience (or lack of life experience). 

The other thing is we use it to talk about actions that started in the past and it continued to the present especially with the continuous tense. We also do this to talk about the effects of actions that started in the past and continue to the present. 

The more accurate explanation: We use it to talk about an action that happened in the past that affects the present. 

For example: 

I saw James live last week(specific time). [✓]

We've seen James live many times (not a specific time, not important). [✓]

I've talked about this many times.[✓]

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If you don't understand, I will translate it into Chinese.

Hope I can indeed help you.

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