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they do have vacuoles. Plant cells use vacuoles to adjust their size and turgor pressure.
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Vacuoles are organelles composed of a monolayer membrane and the cell fluid inside, mainly found in plant cells. Food vesicles and contractile vesicles of lower animals, especially single-celled animals, also belong to vacuoles. [1]

Vacuoles are not the unique structure of plant cells, but the vacuoles of plant cells are larger and the differences between vacuoles are also large; while the vacuoles of animal cells are smaller and the differences between vacuoles are not significant; or the vacuoles of some animal cells are not obvious. Therefore, vacuoles are not drawn on the animal cell submicrostructure model diagrams in textbooks. But it cannot be said that animal cells do not have vacuoles, let alone that vacuoles are the unique structure of plant cells. As early as the 1930s, the concept of the vacuolar system was proposed, which includes Golgi vacuoles, lysosomes, spheroids, microbodies, autophagocytic vacuoles, remnants, pinocytic vacuoles, phagocytic vacuoles, aleurone vacuoles, central vacuoles, and contractile vacuoles. Soak and so on. It is believed that all vesicles or vacuoles surrounded by membranes can be counted as vacuole systems, which are one of the components of animal and plant cells.

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