草本植物 (herbaceous plant) ,是指茎内的木质部不发达、含木质化细胞少、支持力弱的植物。草本植物体形一般都很矮小,寿命较短,茎干软弱,多数在生长季节终了时地上部分或整株植物体死亡。根据完成整个生活史的年限长短,分为一年生、二年生和多年生草本植物。
Herbaceous plants refer to plants with underdeveloped xylem in the stem, few lignified cells, and weak support. Herbaceous plants are generally short in shape, short in life, and weak in stems. Most of the aboveground parts or the whole plant die at the end of the growing season. According to the length of years to complete the entire life cycle, it is divided into annual, biennial and perennial herbaceous plants