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Air pressure = pressure inside something

Atmospheric pressure = pressure at the surrounding of us

那一个东西里面除了air pressure 是不是还有 atmospheric pressure ?

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Air pressure某种物体里的气压

Atmospheric pressure  = 某种物体的外面的气压

问:那一个东西里面除了air pressure 是不是还有 atmospheric pressure ?

答:东西里只有air pressure, 没有atmospheric pressure。


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用户: (280 分)

air pressure : 周围空气施加的压力

atmospheric pressure : 大气层对地球表面施加的压力

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用户: (53,240 分) 32 158 162

Air pressure is the intrinsic pressure in a quantity of air. It can come from any number of sources. Perhaps there is a closed cylinder of air with a piston compressing it isothermally. Or perhaps the air in the tire in your car is under pressure due to the weight of the car and the surface tension of the tire.

Atmospheric pressure is air pressure due solely to the weight of the air above you in the atmosphere. It is typically around 105 N/m2105 N/m2 on Earth, but can vary with altitude and weather. It is just a "natural," ubiquitous special case of air pressure in physical situations taking place inside an atmosphere.

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