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A sum of money was shared among 3 persons A, B and C. A received 1/4 of the sum while B and C shared the remainder in the ratio 3:2. Find the ratio in which the sum was shared among A, B and C.​

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A = 1/4 

B C = 3/4

理解:A 拿了 1/4 的钱,B和C以 3 : 2 平分剩下的钱(3/4)。


(1/4) x 100 = 25

(3/4) x 100 = 75

A拿了 25 的钱B和C以 3 : 2 平分 75 的钱

第二步:找出 B 和 C 各种平分的钱

B : C = 3 : 2

总共比例:3 + 2 = 5

1 比例的钱:75 / 5 =15

B:3 x 15 = 45

C:2 x 15 = 30


知道了 B 拿了 45,C 拿了30。

第三步:A B C 的比例

A : B : C 

= 25 : 45 : 30  [除5约减]

=5 : 9 : 6  [答案]

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Let this money be x, B shares 3t, then C shares 2t, A receives x/4, and it is known that 3t+2t=3x/4, that is, x=20t/3,So A received 5t/3, A: B: C=5/3:3:2=5:9:6
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