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1. Encik Basri's age is four times his child's age. 4 years ago, Encik Basri's age is six times his child's age. Find the age of Encik Basri's child now.

我的解题思路: x=4y, x-4=6y

2. The length of rope P is three times the length of rope Q. After 10cm of rope is cut from rope P and rope Q respectively, the length of rope P is four times the length of rope Q. Calculate the origimal length, in cm, of rope P before it is cut.

我的解题思路: p=3q, p-10=4q

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1. Encik Basri's age is four times his child's age. 4 years ago, Encik Basri's age is six times his child's age. Find the age of Encik Basri's child now.

Let En Basri's age = x and his child's age = y,

x = 4y --- (1)

x - 4 = 6(y - 4) --- (2)

Substituting (1) into (2),

4y - 4 = 6y - 24

2y = 20

y = 10

En Basri's child is 10 years old now.

​​​​​​2. The length of rope P is three times the length of rope Q. After 10cm of rope is cut from rope P and rope Q respectively, the length of rope P is four times the length of rope Q. Calculate the origimal length, in cm, of rope P before it is cut.

​​​​​​Let length of rope P = p and length of rope Q = q,

p = 3q --- (1)

p - 10 = 4(q - 10) --- (2)

Substituting (1) into (2),

3q - 10 = 4q - 40

q = 30 

p = 3q

    = 3 x 30

    = 90

The original length of rope P is 90 cm.

用户: (2,410 分) 27 31 31
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