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分类:中学其它科目 | 用户: (5,570 分) 34 43 48
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*Attach the Evaluation Criteria form in your report

*List of contents put after the Evaluation Criteria form



You are required to innovate a product by applying any scientific knowledge/ concept that you have learnt. (Examples: three layers tea, 3D model of submarine, terrarium, periscope, kaleidoscope …etc)

Present your finding in the form of folio according to the format given below.

(a) i) Cover

ii) Evaluation Criteria

iii) List of contents

 Name of school

 Title of the project

 Learning concept

 Name / Class

 Date

 Attach the Evaluation Criteria form in your report

 List of contents put after the Evaluation Criteria form

(b) Design / Process  Introduction

 Objective

 Date & Time

 Type of product

 Quantity of product

 List of committees

 Estimated expenditure

 List of apparatus / materials

 Steps / Procedure / Method (with photo)

(c) Discussion

 Explain the application of the learning concept in producing the product.

 Photo of the product / related drawing or pictures

 Problems solving.

 Other examples in daily life that applying the same learning concept.

(d) Conclusion  Make a summary about your project

(e) Reflection  Express your feeling / thought / opinion through out the project.

(f) References Record in detail – the books, the websites…which you have referred to.

(g) Acknowledgment Word of appreciation to somebody that guides / assist / support you through out the project.

问题关闭原因: 关闭
用户: (111,190 分) 32 41 48
这是要你做一本folio. 老师没有解释清楚吗?
用户: (5,570 分) 34 43 48
嗯……老师没说过 我过后去问老师 你先帮我关闭这个问题吧 谢谢
用户: (111,190 分) 32 41 48
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