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Martial arts can improve your social skills

If you’re an introvert by nature, trying martial arts training isn’t a bad idea. You don’t have to talk too much at the beginning, there’s a lot of individual exercises, and you slowly but surely work with other practitioners, helping each other progress while getting to know each other.

A great thing about martial arts training is that you know that you’re among like-minded people that you have at least something in common, as you’re both members of the same martial arts gym.

It can help you learn how to work and communicate with other people, improving your social skills in a safe environment.


用户: (52,940 分) 202 694 702
用户: (53,240 分) 29 158 162
用户: (52,940 分) 202 694 702
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There is a longstanding and deeply rooted misconception about the Martial Arts that to be addressed at the outset. It is not our goal, nor that of any responsible teachers of Martial Arts, to teach our students to fight or intimidate. We teach the ways of self defense, but the purposes of our school are more more important and varied than simple security.

Many of life’s most valuable lessons can be learned training in the Martial Arts, though relatively few people realize it. What they do not understand is that to be a student of Martial Arts is to be a student of SELF knowledge. At U.S. Budokai Karate of Clifton Park, we instill in our students of all ages and backgrounds the importance of respect and self-discipline. We have been developing better citizens and empowering people for a very long time. With numerous honors, degrees, and awards as instructors in Martial Arts training, and a growing roster of successful Martial Arts competitors and leaders, we have earned a reputation for providing the highest quality of instruction.

What can we offer you or your children to develop and refine social skills through the study of Martial Arts? First and foremost is RESPECT. No student of the Martial Arts can progress without understanding and adopting this essential attribute! It can be humbling the first time that a successful middle-aged executive must ask for direction from a boy or girl who is younger than his or her own children. Martial Arts teach us that knowledge comes from those who possess it, regardless of age or any other consideration. We learn from those who know more than we do and respect them for their knowledge.

用户: (52,940 分) 202 694 702
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