以我的经验现在应该都不会有活动 只是上网课 抄功课那些。你就进你最想进的吧 因为可能covid没了就可以了
oh 还有
ITF (International Taekwon-do Federation) is more traditional and focused on self-defense; it allows punches to the face; and punches in its forms are thrown from further above the hip than in WTF. ITF is also often called a North Korean school of Taekwondo.
WTF (World Taekwondo Federation) on the other hand, is described as being more modern and focused on sparring; it is the competitive form of Taekwondo as known from the Olympic Games, which does not allow punches to the face; its forms have punches thrown from the hip; and it is said to be the Taekwondo rooted in South Korea
简单来讲ITF 是传统和防守型的