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Who (Subject)

1) When providing extra information about the subject in the sentence. 

2) When you are asking about the subject. 

例子:Ali is my friend who is a teach.

Who rang the doorbell?

Whom (Object) 

1) When providing extra information about the object in the sentence. 

2) When you are asking about the object.   

例子:Ali is the man whom I told you about. 

To whom did you give the notebook? 

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who和whom都是代词(pronoun)。 但是,“who作一个句子或短语的“主语”(主语是谓语的陈述对象,如“我写字”中的“我”就是主语。),表示谁在做某件事(比如he或she)。 另一方面,“whom”充当一个动词或介词(preposition)的直接或间接“宾语”(object)

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