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分类:华小英文 | 用户: (5,570 分) 34 43 48
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Animals are very important to human beings. Most of the food we eat come from animals. For example, leather shoes, cardigan and so on. In ancient times, people also use animals instead of walking. Besides, people regard some docile animals as pets too. They also help farmers plow the fields and move the wood. In conclusion, animals bring many benefits to humans.

Any problems of grammar mistakes? Pls help me, ty


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用户: (34,790 分) 26 32 34
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Animals are very important to human beings. Most of the food we eat comes from animals. For example, leather shoes, cardigans, and so on. In ancient times, people also use animals instead of walking. Besides, people regard some docile animals as pets too. They also help farmers plow the fields and move the wood. In conclusion, animals bring many benefits to humans.


用户: (5,570 分) 34 43 48
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