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1,814 浏览
分类:华小英文 | 用户: (5,520 分) 32 43 48
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this is the article.

And this is my ans. Is there any problem? 

Sorry, my handwriting is a bit ugly. Please excuse me, tq.

用户: (4,110 分) 22 32 32
咦,public toilet 那边好像有点怪怪的?你读读看看
用户: (5,520 分) 32 43 48
What if it is went to the public toilet?  Is it reasonable?
用户: (5,520 分) 32 43 48
I have opened up, u can write ur ans, thank u
用户: (9,640 分) 28 30 33
我觉得I've been for 22 years 比较恰当
用户: (5,520 分) 32 43 48
Oh ok thank you. U can write ur answer. I will adopt you.
I don’t know if the word “adopt” is suitable, please forgive my bad English. (´▽`ʃ♡ƪ)
用户: (4,130 分) 46 51 51
your的handwritting is好过me
用户: (4,110 分) 22 32 32
你是特地这么写的吗? :P
用户: (5,520 分) 32 43 48
Cuz my mum say my handwriting is not that good.


+4 投票
用户: (40 分) 6 16 21
修改于 用户:

Sorry,I delete my answer because some problems about me.

用户: (4,130 分) 46 51 51
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