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分类:华小英文 | 用户: (5,520 分) 32 43 48
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题目是☞ Draw a flow map about Aisha's experience.


1. Two men went into the bank. They wanted Aisha to take out all the money from one account and to put it into another account.

2. Aisha found out that, the men were taking money from an account that did not belong to them.

3. Aisha rush to the bank manager to tell him about the men. The Bank manager telephoned the police.

4. The police arrived and the men were arrested. The police rewarded her with a certificate and interview her.


用户: (110,970 分) 31 41 47
Aisha rush to the bank manager有些不对。如果Aisha冲去找经理就会被匪徒发现不对劲了。
用户: (5,520 分) 32 43 48
Aisha stalled for time and rush to the bank manager? 这样写可以吗?
用户: (110,970 分) 31 41 47
可以。你的英文很好哦,懂得stalled for time这个词汇。
用户: (5,520 分) 32 43 48


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