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Human's dependency on technology ⚙_⚙

2 个回答

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用户: (3,860 分) 8 11 14
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Humans invent different kinds of technology to overcome our limits, but sometimes we can't always depend on technology and don't depend on our own brains.

For example, humans are too dependent to smartphone, we can't always depend on our smartphones to get informations as nowadays, fake news have flooded the internet and what's worse, we trusted them.

We also depends on the internet to finish our homework as we can find answers there, and eventually, students don't think anymore.
用户: (110,970 分) 31 41 47
用户: (3,860 分) 8 11 14
额 是啊(•‿•)
用户: (110,970 分) 31 41 47
用户: (3,860 分) 8 11 14
谢谢你哈哈♪~(´ε` )
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用户: (-10 分) 1 2 2

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