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以下资料来源carian umum:

Regalia 意思是 (来源Cambridge Dictionary):

  1. (尤指供出席典礼等场合用的)盛装,礼服,特别服饰,特别物品
  2. 套装;盛装;华服


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n. 〔pl.〕 1.王室徽章;王位的標記〔王冠、王節、寶劍等〕;(等級、協會等的)標記,紋章,勛章。 2.〔史、古〕王室特權,王權。 3.華麗的服裝。

 Regalia is a Latin plurale tantum word that has different definitions. In one rare definition, it refers to the exclusive privileges of a sovereign. The word originally referred to the elaborate formal dress and dress accessories of a sovereign, but now the word usually refers to any type of elaborate formal dress and dress accessories.   King Haakon VII and Queen Maud of Norway with their regalia[1] in 1906 The word stems from the Latin substantivation of the adjective regalis, "regal", itself from rex, "king". It is sometimes used in the singular, regale.[note 1]
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