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in the dark的意思是不知道 很好用 别人问你问题直接回答in the dark
用户: (1,000 分) 378 426 437

6 个回答

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it's never too late to mend=改变永远不会太迟

look before you leap=三思而后行

every dogs has its day=每个人都有幸运的一天

united we stand, divided we fall=团结就是力量

pull his leg=开玩笑

let it off the hook=放他一马

give him a hand=帮他一把

narrow escape=死里逃生

chip off the old block=有其父,必有其子

bed off roses=开心

too many cooks spoil the broth=人多反倒误事

once a blue moon=久久一次

on the ball=聪明又勤劳

smell a rat=发现有可疑之处


用户: (1,000 分) 378 426 437
bed of roses打错了
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用户: (13,400 分) 19 24 25
Dont cry for the moon 指不要要求不可能的事

Take to one's heels 逃跑

Every cloud has a silver lining : smt good is bound to emerge from a difficult situation
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用户: (-1,860 分) 37 40 40
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用户: (5,280 分) 31 34 34

As happy as a lark /On cloud nine/On top of the world 很高兴

A piece of cake 简单

Raining cats and dogs 倾盆大雨

Taking to your heels 溜之大吉

Without any hesitation/ Without thinking twice 毫不犹豫

Hit the sack 睡觉

Out of the blue 突然

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用户: (390 分) 1 1 1
as happy as a lark开心

on cloud nine开心

out of the blue突然

with out any delay毫不犹豫
用户: (710 分) 1 1 1
without any hesitation.
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用户: (710 分) 1 1 1
hit the sack

off the hook

cold feet

on top of the world

Pulling my leg
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