+1 投票
8,616 浏览
分类:华小英文 | 用户: (910 分) 4 5 5
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用户: (1,000 分) 378 426 437

5 个回答

+4 投票
用户: (-130 分) 14 15 15
采纳于 用户:
I'm so sorry for breaking your favourite vase. I didn't mean it, please forgive me. I promise I'll be extra careful in the future and I won't make the same mistake again.
+4 投票
用户: (35,570 分) 37 57 65
Sister, I'm so sorry that I have broken your favourite glass bottle, please forgive me. I promise I'll not do that again.
用户: (910 分) 4 5 5
Thank You  (✿◡‿◡)
+1 投票
用户: (11,070 分) 43 51 54
修改于 用户:


Nie nie ni bu bu bu


I am sorry for broken your favorite vase uncautionly. I promise I will caution at it next time.

用户: (-130 分) 14 15 15
Ur first answer.... Such a hilarious way to apologise to someone lmao
用户: (11,070 分) 43 51 54
Hei hei ~
0 投票
用户: (11,410 分) 14 27 28
I am sorry, please forgive me.

用户: (910 分) 4 5 5
This sentense so short , I can remember,so good. Thank you.
0 投票
用户: (5,200 分) 12 16 18
I`m sorry that I broke your favourite flower pot,please forgive me .
用户: (5,200 分) 12 16 18
用户: (910 分) 4 5 5
Your sentense so good and short ,because I can remenber clear. Thank you so much, my sister forgive me.
用户: (5,200 分) 12 16 18
Thank You
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