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kuasa pengionan高比较危险,还是kuasa penembusan危险?Sinaran alfa和sinaran gama哪个对人都危害比较大?

2 个回答

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Which Is More Dangerous: Alpha, Beta, Or Gamma?

This question is more complex than it seems at first, as radiation can cause damage both from the outside and from inside an organism.

Alpha rays have poor penetration power. They can cause little harm from outside. The outer layer of dead skin in humans, a thick sheet of paper, or a layer of clothes can resist alpha penetration.

(在外面的话,alpha 比较少危害,因为它无法穿透人的皮肤)

However, alpha particles also have the greatest mass, which implies that they have the greatest ionizing power. If an alpha particle somehow gets into the system through inhaling or swallowing, they become the most dangerous.


Chances of alpha particles getting inside the system occur only in situations of a nuclear accident or explosion. Once inside, alpha particles can cause maximum damage to the tissues of humans and other living organisms.

Gamma rays have the highest penetration power. A living organism such as a human being exposed to gamma rays faces a high risk of having bone marrow and internal organs damaged.

Gamma rays can pass through a body, damaging tissue and DNA in the process. Scientists consider gamma rays to be the most dangerous form of radiation.



+1 投票
用户: (3,860 分) 8 11 14
应该是kuasa pengionan 更危险,它会释放大量的辐射,危害健康。sinaran Gama 比 alfa 更强,所以应该gama更危险
用户: (1,000 分) 380 426 437
其实alfa的kuasa pengionan比gama高。
用户: (3,860 分) 8 11 14
哦哦 我以为那两个问题你分开问
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