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Benefit of going camping with family.

用户: (11,070 分) 43 51 54


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Peace and Quiet (享受宁静)

Unplug and enjoy the simplicity of nature. Forget charging your smartphones, tablets and gaming consoles, and instead recharge your own batteries. Your body and mind will thank you for it and you will return to work refreshed and energised. Turn off the internet, the emails and even the news. All you need is one charged phone for emergencies, kept turned off and packed away.

More Exercise(可以做跟多运动)

Camping requires more physical exercise to gather, prepare and store food, get around a campsite and manage your shelter effectively. Go further by adding fishing, swimming, walking or bike riding into the mix and kick cardiovascular benefits and calorie burning off the charts.

Reduced Stress(减轻压力)

One of the important health benefits of camping is that it reduces stress by removing common triggers like work pressure, traffic and the rush of city life, replacing them with the calming effect of bird song, the sound of waves crashing on the beach and the wind in the trees. The real thing is much more therapeutic than anything you’ll find on your MP3.

Better relationships(有跟多朋友)

Do you sometimes feel like you never talk to your family and, when you look around you, everyone’s on a device of some sort? Being in close proximity to loved ones or good friends, without the interference of modern devices like smartphones and tablets can let you communicate more directly and give and receive eye contact. Having to depend on each other to prepare food and look after your campsite builds camaraderie, a sense of community and shared purpose that adds to your wellbeing.

Improved memory(增加记忆力)

When you’re out camping and surrounded by trees and fresh air, your body releases higher levels of serotonin, a naturally-produced neurotransmitter that helps regulate your mood, appetite, and sleep. Serotonin also improves cognitive functions such as memory and learning.

Better sleep(改善睡眠质量)

Melatonin is a natural hormone helps control your sleep and wake cycles. When you’re stuck in an office for long periods, working in artificial light, your melatonin levels can be suppressed by the blue light in artificial sources like incandescent bulbs. Camping outside exposes you to melatonin-friendly yellow light, which can help you achieve a more natural alignment of the sleep-wake cycle with sunrise and sunset.

Vitamin D boost(增加维他命D)

Being outside, your body absorbs huge quantities of sunlight. The sun provides a healthy outdoor glow to the skin, and internally the body uses it to synthesise Vitamin D which helps your body absorb calcium and phosphorus, two minerals essential for healthy bones and teeth.

用户: (11,070 分) 43 51 54
用户: (1,000 分) 379 426 437
用户: (11,070 分) 43 51 54
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