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Once, a lion is sleeping soundly under a big shady tree. A little mouse does not notice the lion and run across the lion's paw. The lion is annoyed and wanted to killed her. The little mouse beg the lion to let her go and promise to repay his kindness one day.

  The lion laugh and let her go. One unfortunate day, the lion is caught in a hunter's net. He struggle to get free but it was all in vain. The little mouse hear the lion roar and come to his aid. The little mouse gnawed on the net and set him free.

  A kindness is never wasted. The lion is free. He thank the little mouse gratefully. From then on, they became bosom friends.
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Once, a lion was sleeping soundly under a big shady tree. A little mouse did not notice the lion and ran across the lion's paw. The lion was annoyed and wanted to kill her. The little mouse begged the lion to let her go and promised to repay his kindness one day.

The lion laughed and let her go. One unfortunate day, the lion was caught in a hunter's net. He struggled to get free, but it was all in vain. The little mouse heard the lion roar and came to his aid. The little mouse gnawed on the net and set him free.

Kindness is never wasted. The lion was free. He thanked the little mouse gratefully, and from then on, they became bosom friends.

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