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Fill in the blanks with "will / won't" or "going to".

1. One day I ___________________graduate as a piano teacher.

 2. The singers are on the stage. The musicians are _________________ playing the music now.

3. On Saturday night, we're ________________________ perform at the school concert.

4. My mother ___________________________ force me to take up piano lessons because I'm not interested in it.

5. My father's ____________________________ I buy me a guitar tomorrow.

6. I think that you start  ________________________be a great guitarist one day.


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用户: (3,760 分) 3 10 15
采纳于 用户:
1. One day I 'm going to graduate as a piano teacher.

2. The singers are on the stage. The musicians are going to play the music now.

3. On Saturday night, we're going to perform at the school concert.

4. My mother won't force me to take up piano lessons because I'm not interested in it.

5. My father's going to buy me a guitar tomorrow.

6. I think that you start will be a great guitarist one day.

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