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1. My throat feels hoarse after our choir practice. I ___________ make a warm honey drink to soothe it.

 2. Jenny has lost the concert tickets. She ___________ be able to gain entry into the stadium.

 3. The piano is out of tune. We ___________ need the services of a tuner.

 4. The stadium ___________ be crowded as most of the tickets have not been sold.

 5. The weather is forecast be sunny on Saturday morning. We ___________ have a fun time at the outdoor music carnival.

 6. Wanda’s music teacher will be driving to the exam venue. She ___________ pick Wanda up on her way there.

 7. Turn down the music. Mum ___________ be pleased if it’s too loud.

 8. Siew Mei and Vivian ___________ watch the opera performance tonight. They have a test to study for.


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