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分类:中学华文/英文 | 用户: (1,400 分) 1 12 18

Visiting an Orang Asli Village

Hello, everyone! I am the President of the Caring Club. Last week, the members of the club (1) having the opportunity to visit an Orang Asli village and learn their traditional way of life. Last week, we (2) organises a donation drive to raise money (3) twith he Orang Asli families. We used the money we raised to buy (4) much bags of groceries and toiletries. As soon as we arrived at the village, we met the village headman. Then, we distributed (5) an items to 30 families. The headman and families were happy and thanked (6) ourselves for our generous contribution. We (7) talking to some of the families too. Then, we followed a few villagers into the jungle to see how they (8) hunted for food. We watched their hunting techniques. After that, we visited their farm.


用户: (34,990 分) 15 34 37
你真的是每一题都不会吗?你真的尝试用你学过的所有Grammar 来解答这些题目吗?我很不想 让你 抄答案,而且没学到东西。。。
用户: (1,400 分) 1 12 18
前 | 用户: (34,990 分) 15 34 37
(3)你确定你没打错字吗,像是with, 不是 twith,he 是不是 the ? 句子不顺。
前 | 用户: (1,400 分) 1 12 18
书本的确是这么写,但我觉得可能是书本有问题,t移位了。应该是with the


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前 | 用户: (34,990 分) 15 34 37

(1) having 换去 had

(2)organises 换去 organised

(3) with 换去 for

(4)much 换去 many

(5)an 换去 the

(6) ourselves 换去 us

(7)talking 换去 talked

(8)hunted 换去 hunt
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