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分类:中学华文/英文 | 用户: (180 分) 1 11 24
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Use tenses to answer the question below.

19.She's going to look for a job as soon as she______(arrive) in London.

22.Take your umbrella. It ______(rain) when you return.


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用户: (7,810 分) 1 17 22
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19. She’s going to look for a job as soon as she arrives (arrive) in London. 

原因:as soon as的意思是“当”,所以在这个句子as soon as的前面的动词是present tense,后面也一定是present tense

22. Take your umbrella. It will rain @ is going to rain (rain) when you return. 

原因:will和is going to的意思是一样的,都是“即将”的意思

用户: (180 分) 1 11 24
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