Pusat Rujukan Persuratan Melayu:
Sj rokok yg dibuat drpd daun tembakau kering yg digulung, serutu; mencerut menghisap cerut.
至于到底有没有 pohon cerutu 的吗?
Pohon cerutu 的意思大概就是雪茄树(直译)。我查了查,其实没有雪茄树这个东东,雪茄都是由干燥及经过发酵的烟草卷制而成。
所以呢,我在网上找到了 烟草树 (烟草和光烟草) 的学名,都是英文的(抱歉,我能力有限,找不到国文的)。
烟草(普通的) / Nicotiana tabacum :
Nicotiana tabacum, or cultivated tobacco, is an annually-grown herbaceous plant. It is found in cultivation, where it is the most commonly grown of all plants in the genus Nicotiana, and its leaves are commercially grown in many countries to be processed into tobacco. It grows to heights between 1 and 2 meters (3' to 6'). Research is ongoing into its ancestry among wild Nicotiana species, but it is believed to be a hybrid of Nicotiana sylvestris, Nicotiana tomentosiformis, and possibly Nicotiana otophora.
烟草是一种草本植物。它是种植中最常见的烟草属植物,它的叶子在许多国家被商业种植,加工成烟草。它可以长到1到2米(3英尺到6英尺)高。目前正在对其野生烟草品种的祖先进行研究,但它被认为是sylvestris、tomentosiformis和otophora的杂交品种。(我用工具翻译的,我懒惰翻译_( '-' _)⌒)_)
All parts of the plant contain nicotine, which can be extracted and used as an insecticide. The dried leaves can also be used; they remain effective for 6 months after drying. The juice of the leaves can be rubbed on the body as an insect repellent. The leaves can be dried and chewed as an intoxicant. The dried leaves are also used as snuff or are smoked. This is the main species that is used to make cigarettes, cigars, and other products for smokers. A drying oil is obtained from the seed.
光烟草(野生的) / Nicotiana glauca :
Nicotiana glauca is a species of wild tobacco known by the common name tree tobacco. Its leaves are attached to the stalk by petioles (many other Nicotiana species have sessile leaves), and its leaves and stems are neither pubescent nor sticky like Nicotiana tabacum. It resembles Cestrum parqui but differs in the form of leaves and fusion of the outer floral parts. It grows to heights of more than two meters.
光烟草是一种野生烟草,俗称烟草。它的叶子通过叶柄附着在茎上(许多其他种类的烟草都有无柄叶),它的叶子和茎不像Nicotiana tabacum 那样有短柔毛或有粘性。它与Cestrum parqui相似,但在叶的形式和花的外部部分的融合不同。它可以长到两米多高。
The plant is used for a variety of medicinal purposes and smoked by Native American groups. The Cahuilla people used leaves interchangeably with other tobacco species in hunting rituals and as a poultice to treat swellings, bruises, cuts, wounds, boils, sores, inflamed throat, and swollen glands. It contains the toxic alkaloid anabasine and ingestion of the leaves can be fatal. It is being investigated for use as a biofuel.
总结: 作者可能在写这本书的时候没注意到他写错了,然后也没有存在雪茄树这个东东。
Cigar tree 不是拿来做雪茄的哟!
The catalpa tree is found in forests from southern Illinois and Indiana to western Tennessee and Arkansas. First cultivated in 1754, the wood was used for fence posts and railroad ties because of its resistance to rot and the tree's fast growth rate. Common names for this tree are many and colorful—including cigar tree, Indian bean tree, catawba, caterpillar tree, hardy catalpa and western catalpa.
至于为什么他叫 cigar tree,我也不知道,懒惰查。