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271 浏览
分类:中学华文/英文 | 用户: (14,240 分) 20 59 65
要求:从不同的角度进行对比、尽量细致(不细致也没关系)、任意呈现方式(比如作文、图表和 point form)、至少5组对比(可以一人给一点,凑齐5组我再采纳)
用户: (30,600 分) 37 68 79
用户: (14,240 分) 20 59 65


+3 投票
用户: (670 分) 1 3


Fan Air conditioner
Cost Low price Expensive
Installation Standing fan has no installation needed Difficult installation
Temperature Blow wind with room temperature Could reduce temperature with cold air
Air circulation Good air circulation with door open Usually in a closed room with zero air circulation
Maintenance Can clean it by yourself Need specialist to clean it to maintain the coldness

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