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分类:中学华文/英文 | 用户: (11,060 分) 9 47 54

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用户: (26,830 分) 15 58 66
Cats are very cute, and they are also really great pets as they know how to take care of themselves and don’t need much help from their humans. Cats know how to clean up after themselves and also to survive without much help from their humans. This is why they make the perfect pet because they can care for themselves.
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用户: (680 分) 1 3
There is a very common animal in Malaysia which you could find them in almost everywhere along the streets. It is also the favourite pet of Malaysians. It has a furry body and you could find them in different colors. You certainly wouldn't be able to resist its shiny eyes and the pinky paws. This little cutie is what we called, cat.
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