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分类:中学其它科目 | 用户: (440 分) 3 9 10
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Why is a food chain short? Explain your answer. (2marks)
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3 个回答

+1 投票
用户: (780 分) 6 10 13
采纳于 用户:

You can find it in Internet.

Internet answer:

Food chains are short because less and less energy is available to animals at higher levels in the food chain. This energy loss is because some of the energy at lower levels is lost as heat and used to support homeostasis and other metabolic processes.

用户: (34,950 分) 15 34 37
这个回答  我(F1) 也大概 明白。
用户: (440 分) 3 9 10
Ohhhhhh thank you ♥️
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用户: (8,210 分) 20 57 65
修改于 用户:

Food chains are short because less and less energy is available to animal at higher levels in the food chain.


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用户: (1,040 分) 10 20 27
A food chain is short due to energy loss, biomagnification, predator-prey dynamics, competition.
用户: (34,950 分) 15 34 37
biomagnification 是什么?
用户: (1,040 分) 10 20 27
用户: (34,950 分) 15 34 37
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