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分类:中学其它科目 | 用户: (23,590 分) 46 54 59
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Dua gandaan sepunya yang berturutan bagi nombor x dan (+5) ialah 30 dan 6y. Apakah nilai GSTK bagi dua nombor tersebut jika beza antara dan y  ialah 7.





   y - x = 7

  10-x = 7

       -x  = 7-10

       -x = -3

        x = 3



Maka, GSTK/LCM bagi (x=3) dan ((y=10)+5) ialah 15.


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用户: (2,970 分) 7 9 9
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The two consecutive common multiples of the numbers x and (y + 5) are 30 and 6y. What is the LCM of the two numbers if the difference between x and y is 7.

6y = 30 x 2    ...    

y - x = 7    ...    

From ,

6y = 30 x 2

6y = 60

y = 10   ...    

Substitute  into ,

10 - x = 7

-x = 7 - 10

-x = -3

x = 3

The LCM of x and y + 5

= 3 x 5

= 15

   3 |3 , 15 

   5 |1 , 5   

       1, 1    

用户: (23,590 分) 46 54 59
Please explain how to do. Thank you for your answer and explaination.
用户: (23,590 分) 46 54 59
Thank you very much. You really help me a lots.
用户: (2,970 分) 7 9 9
I don’t know whether my answer is correct or not. Please refer to the sample answer. It is better to ask help from your teacher or friends.
用户: (23,590 分) 46 54 59
I see the answer is 15 but I don't know the method to solve this promblem. Lastly, thank you for your reply.
用户: (2,970 分) 7 9 9
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You could refer to my new edit. You can use either substitution method or elimination method to solve this problem.
用户: (23,590 分) 46 54 59
Thank you very much. You actually help me a lots.
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